
Neural networks turned out to be extremely successful in image stylization. Due to a number of research results it is now possible to distinguish semantics of a given image (i.e. what is on the picture) from its stylistics (i.e. how it is written). The core technology of the MechText is the artificial neural network that allows to do exactly that but rather with a textual than visual information.

E-mail and online ads

E-mail is one of top-3 traffic-sources for e-commerce. Together with online ads they form up to 80% of e-commerce incoming traffic today. Personalization of online ads is a commonplace already. AB-testing allows you to estimate the response of your audience and the effectiveness of your campaigns. If we add an adaptive text generation to this pipeline we get and automated end-to-end process that allows you to customize, test and improve your communication with your clients. This might come as a surprise but robots can actually make your communication with customers more personal and human. 

Personalization of your site

But why should we stop on e-mails and ads? Technically, your whole site could be personalized starting with landing page and finishing with the descriptions of specific products. You can make your content more interesting and engaging, more logical or absurd (if it suits you). You can make it personal and that is what matters.

Social networks

Social media management is hard but useful. You form your core audience and stay in touch with them. Imagine you could talk to every person that follows your business. Get in touch and engage them in a unique and effective way.